Last week was pretty busy. I'd dare to say perhaps a bit busier then normal. I worked in the cafe two afternoon/evenings and in the office and preping for class the rest of the time.
My second photo class went okay. I had gotten online and found this website that you can enter in words and clues and it will put them into a crossword puzzle. I did that with 20 words that I thought would be important for them to know. I also made a word scramble in case they had a hard time with the crossword puzzle they could ask for the word scramble and then have a word bank for the puzzle. I didn't realize that it would take the entire class period for them to complete it. Most of them finished it... there were a couple boys who didn't do much during class. One of them I spoke to about 3 times about sleeping in class (I nearly sent him back to the dorm). And the other boy just didn't do much. I then gave them a homework assignment. I'm having them research a famous photographer and write a short bio on them and then pick at least one photo by that person that they like and tell me why. They have two weeks to do this assignment if you count the break. I typed the assignment up for them after class and handed it out with a little note on the bottom saying that they had until 3:00 the next day to finish and turn in the crossword puzzle or they would get a zero. Dad told me that I was being mean/hard on them. My thinking was that if they would have worked on it during class like they were supposed to then they could have had it done before they left. We'll see how badly they twist my arm about it during the next class.
I spent most of the day on Friday making tickets for the musical the drama team and choir are going to be performing for Christmas (Dec. 20 at 4:30 if anyone is interested). There's four different kids of tickets/seating we're selling and we wanted to be able to sell them during parents weekend and start getting the word out. When I got most of the tickets done, I headed to the cafe to make 14 pies for dessert on Sabbath. I was there through supper and had a short amount of time to get home and changed before vespers. I ended up waiting for my parents to get there before heading to vespers about a half hour late. Vespers was good and we got to visit with people for a bit too.
Sabbath we went to Sabbath School but I left almost as soon as we got there to go help Rozita in the cafe for a little bit. I made it back to church in time for church. Three of the students got baptised and one more stood saying that he'd like to take lessons :D
Sabbath afternoon the choir and band had a concert. They did a pretty good job. I was really impressed with the choir. They reminded me of how they used to sound years ago. So many guys tried out this year she couldn't accept them all because there weren't enough girls to support them! They sounded great! The band sounded pretty good. Especially when you consider how many beginners they have this year and how little time they've spent on these pieces.
Saturday night the seniors had a program. They served supper and performed and episode from "Friends" (The one where Ross can't flirt). They did a good job and were very amusing. They then had the senior auction (the auction the seniors for four hours of work). They made quite a bit of money for their class. Then they had a little talent show. They had a couple duets, a funny little skit, and a group lip syncing class Jeremy & The Tempters. They were HILARIOUS!!!
Sunday we had breakfast and then a staff/parent meeting before splitting into individual parent teacher conferences. I didn't have any of these... I just sat through the general meeting. Then we said our goodbyes and headed home.
Monday I took Grammie to an appointment and did some errands for Mom and did some shopping with Karolline. Yesterday I spent the day in my PJ's and it felt wonderful to do absolutely nothing. Today I've done some stuff around the house and I'm about to go make a cheesecake for tomorrow.
I'll hopefully post some pictures later tonight or tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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